jeudi 14 juin 2012

Formation SysML en juillet à Toulouse

PRFC organise une formation  SysML par l'exemple  inter-entreprises à Toulouse cet été, les 18-19 juillet, au tarif exceptionnel de 990 € HT / personne.

J'aurai le plaisir d'animer cette formation inspirée de mon livre sur SysML.

N'hésitez à vous inscrire en remplissant le formulaire.

vendredi 8 juin 2012

SysML 1.3 vient de sortir !

Comme prévu, la nouvelle version 1.3 de la spécification SysML vient de sortir, 2 ans après la version 1.2.
Je cite S. Friedenthal :
Version 1.3 of SysML has now been released as a formal specification by OMG. The specification documents, schema files, and other related documents are linked from the page

The most significant changes in SysML 1.3 were to improve support for ports, flows, and interfaces, including hierarchically nested interfaces. New forms of "proxy" and "full" ports have been added, and the previous form of "flow" ports has been deprecated. The metamodel architecture of SysML 1.3 has been restructured and converted to UML 2.4.1. Many other localized fixes and improvements to the specification were also completed.